'Mini Me' by Lyntaga Smith

'Mini Me' by Lyntaga Smith
Kids Double Adirondack Chair, O’Donnell Park

Lyntaga Smith AC Native & Resident, Owner of Sea Me Glow and COO of The Leadership Studio.

Mini-Me/Do It Afraid

When we talk about doing it Afraid, it means feel the fear and do it anyway.
So many time's we let fear be the very thing that keeps us from the greatness that is waiting for us. Do not let fear be the deciding factor for how you pursue purpose.

I wanted to create a mini version of my original Adirondack Chair which was Titled Do If Afraid to inspire younger children as they get older to not let fear be the deciding factor.

I was afraid when my original design was selected because I thought I wouldn't be able to deliver, because I had never done a project like this before.

I felt the fear and I did it anyway. If I can do it, so can you.

Follow me on Instagram @seameglow

Chairs + Planters

LIT Youth Workforce Development Program

Kids Adirondack Chair - O’Donnell Park

Adirondack Chair - O’Donnell Park

Artists: LIT Youth Workforce Development Program - Tori Stone, Tyler Stone, Sanai Jacobs, Samina Jacobs, Leilany Socorro, Pablo Trinidad, Akasha Earley-Jones, Juanelis Sierra Mantos, Davian Galaraza, Harmony Smallwood

Learn more: facebook.com/wewanttowork2019

Chairs + Planters