Title: Wildlife Refuge
Artist: Christine O'Brien
Chair inspired by the plant life that the artist saw on her frequent visits to Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge during quarantine.
Title: Wildlife Refuge
Artist: Christine O'Brien
Chair inspired by the plant life that the artist saw on her frequent visits to Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge during quarantine.
Title: The Lucky Chair
Artist: Jon Baker
Jon captures the spirit of Atlantic City and its rich history by painting iconic Absecon Island characters on each panel of his chair that represent Atlantic City and its boardwalk.
Title: Protect NJ Wetlands
Artist: Erika Matyok
Wetlands provide critical habitats for New Jersey's native fish, birds and wildlife. Please respect these protected areas while appreciating the many recreational activities the coastal wetlands have to offer.
Title: Sunset Sit-down
Artist: Travis Gibson
I was inspired to create this piece because of my love for nature and/or sunflowers specifically. Sunflowers have the ability to purify tainted soil so new life can grow and the sun supports that new life. I want this piece to show how full circle life is and when we take care of the earth it returns that energy.
Title: Miss America: An Atlantic City Tradition
Artist: Lauren Carroll
The Miss America pageant turns 100 years old this year. The first pageant was first held in Atlantic City the weekend following the Labor Day holiday, in an attempt to extend the seasonal business. Titled "Miss America" by an editor at The Atlantic City Press, the annual event grew to a national phenomenon, setting the standard for pageants, parades and talent competitions. Even though the pageant has been held in different cities, the people and places around Atlantic City have shaped pageant pop culture for the last century!
Title: Summer Vibes
Artist: Nichole Gildenston
My chair embraces going with the flow of life. From the ocean waves that “roll with it” to the majestic jellyfish that just swim around. Very much like this chair we need to slow down sometimes and just go with the flow.
Title: Fun Fun Fun
Artist: Maria Biebel
This double chair should be liked by all that love to have fun, and mostly children!
Title: Duke Kahanamoku 'The Father of Surfing'
Artist: Helen Clymer
The chair pays homage to the man who introduced surfing to the east coast via Atlantic City, Hawaiian native & olympian waterman, Duke Kahanamoku.
Title: Sunset Surf
Artist: Amanda Auble
This chair design was inspired by sunset walks in Atlantic City and the unexpected beauty the beaches provide.
Did you know we’ve been part of the Atlantic City community since 2015?🎉
What started as a way to activate our community through the arts and create opportunities for local artists has grown into a movement to promote the arts throughout Atlantic City!
Our first-ever event was ARTeriors at 121 S. Tennessee Avenue, later home to MADE Atlantic City Chocolate and currently Bar 32 Chocolate. At its core, the ARTeriors program is about transition and transformation. ARTeriors has transformed spaces in transition at The Walk, Showboat Atlantic City, & the Orange Loop to name a few!
Chalk About AC, a colorful, interactive celebration of the city has been going strong since our start with support from local businesses and organizations. In 2019, we even partnered with the ACFD for Fire Safety Month and AC Marathon to host a mini color run in O’Donnell Park! Last year volunteers helped us make over 1400 chalk packets that were available at food distribution sites, the Boys and Girls Club, and local businesses so folks could Chalk About AC from home.
Of course, we cannot forget about 48 Blocks Atlantic City! Our flagship program was launched in 2017 through a partnership with Stockton University. Since then, hundreds of local artists and community members have participated in the planning and creation of projects for this annual event, supported by local businesses and organizations. In 2020 we went virtual, presenting projects via Zoom. 48 Blocks AC is also home to our Adirondack chair project, annually offering participants the opportunity to design a unique chair to be displayed on the iconic Atlantic City Boardwalk and in our beautiful public parks, all thanks to SID of CRDA!
Perhaps most notably, we launched Atlantic City’s largest mural arts program through 48 Blocks AC, supporting the creation of over 50 murals to date! In 2018, we hosted AC’s first-ever Mural Week and got to watch as 6 artists transformed 5 walls in just 7 days. At this point, it’s hard to drive through the city without noticing at least one mural. You may have strolled down the unofficial “Mural Avenue”, better known as Sovereign Ave, home to 6 murals and Skate AC. There is even a mural inside City Hall, made possible through a partnership with the City of Atlantic City!
And yes — there are more murals to come throughout our bustling city by the sea!
We’re excited to launch new projects in 2021, continue our core programming & expand artist opportunities, and host in-person events for the community (when we are safely able). Watch this space!