'Her Lipstick's Black' by Efrain Lemus
Planter Box, Atlantic City Boardwalk, Virginia Avenue
Follow on Instagram @dp.drip
'Her Lipstick's Black' by Efrain Lemus
Planter Box, Atlantic City Boardwalk, Virginia Avenue
Follow on Instagram @dp.drip
'Folk Art Flowers' by Erika Matyok
Planter Box, Atlantic City Boardwalk, Pennsylvania Avenue
Follow on Instagram @erikamatyok
Visit zhibit.org/ematyok
'Flower Crown Garden' by Chanelle René
Planter Box, Atlantic City Boardwalk, Florida Avenue
Follow on Instagram @beingchanellerene
Visit chanellerene.com
'untitled' by Gary Lindley
Planter Box, Atlantic City Boardwalk, Chelsea Avenue
Follow on Instagram @garylindley_art
'Growth and Decay' by Sydney Mount
Planter Box, Atlantic City Boardwalk, Sovereign Avenue
Follow on Instagram @sydneymount
'Dandelion Summer' by Kuan Young
Planter Box, Atlantic City Boardwalk, Boston Avenue
Follow on Instagram @kuankingofbees
'What The World Needs' by Loryn L. Simonsen
Planter Box, Atlantic City Boardwalk, Albany Avenue
- Howard Thurman
Artist and graphic designer Loryn L. Simonsen is passionate about making the world a more beautiful, accessible, & welcoming place for us all. She values curiosity, creativity, and collaboration and is a firm believer that people doing what they love makes the world at large a better, more loving place.
Follow on Instagram @loinsojo
Visit loinsojo.com