Atlantic City Arts Foundation

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Love AC February Chalk Art

We invited our community to share things they love about Atlantic City with us

Throughout the month of February, we launched a chalk art campaign and encouraged folks to create chalk hearts and let us know things they love about Atlantic City. What started as preparation for our participation in Absecon Lighthouse’s Love AC Weekend turned into a month of chalking the city and spreading the love throughout our community.

Art by Jill Fermonte in front of “Birds of a Feather” by Drips Art x Fashion

Thanks to our chalk drop off sites!

We wanted to make sure we spread out our free chalk packs for folks to grab at different locations throughout Atlantic City to increase accessibility and encourage as many different people to participate as possible! Thank you to Hayday Coffee, Atlantic City Free Public Library, Violet Mae’s Hair Salon, Beat the Daily Grind Café, and Noyes Arts Garage for agreeing to be chalk pick up locations as well as participating in chalk art with their own employees and patrons!

Feeling the love

In the middle of the month for Valentine’s day weekend, we created chalk hearts around the lighthouse grounds for Love AC Weekend and encouraged people to share their art and things that they loved about AC with us. We set out with a goal of 100 conversation hearts and ended the day with 186!

Community Highlights

Thank you to all of the community members that participated in this campaign throughout the month and helped us spread love through Atlantic City! Here are some of the things folks love the most about our city:

“I love Atlantic City because I can get anywhere I want to be, no matter where it is in the city. It's accessible! I don't drive. People see me all over, that makes me happy” - Jill Fermonte

“I love the people I see everyday… All the different kinds of characters I see on my way to work” - Leslie Ruiz Sanchez

“I feel so grateful to live in AC. I enjoy going to the beach in all weather, riding my bike on the boardwalk during all four seasons, the food options are phenomenal, and great entertainment is always available. The people and community here are fabulous, as are the arts…I love AC” - Sue Ireland

“I wasn’t born here but my parents moved here in the 90s for a change of scenery and now I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. I have everything I want here, nature, a city that doesn’t sleep & a blank canvas to create my life. I’m grateful for the community that loves AC as much as I do. I love AC because it’s home” - Miko Beach

“I love the people, the beach, the culture…I was born and raised here so I just love everything about the city and I want to share that with people in my community - the beauty that surrounds us all” - Lyntaga Smith

“We love the arts scene and all the events and restaurants that are in the Orange Loop! We also love the beach, taking bike rides on the boardwalk, and the people” - Kurt and Beth Kwart

“We love Atlantic City because of the people who continue to believe in it and strive to provide programs and opportunities to enrich the community” - Michelle Tomko and Jean Burbee

“One of the things I love most about Atlantic City is Back Sov Skate Park. Finally getting a permanent park in the city was a major milestone for skateboarding here. It’s been special to see the growth of the skate community here and the new generations enjoying the space” - Ryan Halbe

“I love our seaside community, Atlantic City. I started working here in 1981 at a new TV station on Connecticut Ave. Then I worked in the casino industry, mostly at Showboat on Delaware Ave. for 14 years. Now I work at Absecon Lighthouse on Rhode Island Ave. Looks like North Beach AC and the lighthouse district have captured my heart!” - Jean Muchanic

“What I love about Atlantic City is that you can always find something new - a new mural, new food, new people to meet - and it’s an amazing city” - Amanda Auble

“What I love about the city is the diversity of its people, all the art and the murals brought by the Atlantic City Arts Foundation, and the endless entertainment available at the casinos” - Christ Ponteri