ARTeriors at The James Artist Application Details

We are currently seeking artists and creatives to create installations for ARTeriors at The James.
The installation will be open to the public from November 10—December 10, 2023.


ARTeriors is about transformation and transition. Artists transform a disused property in transition into an immersive pop-up art installation inspired by their interaction with each other and the space. The program aims to highlight Atlantic City’s potential for innovation and evolution and to shift attendees’ perceptions of the city.

Participating artists are given a unique opportunity to collaborate, work with new mediums, and create large-scale site-specific installations. Selected artists will be given 2 weeks to create their installations in the exhibit space and are encouraged to leverage found objects, upcycling, and repurposing materials for their projects.

For consideration, applicants must identify their desired installation space from the video/photos below and provide a detailed design proposal that will cover a minimum of 6’ x 6’ or 36 sq. feet.

Video Walkthrough:


Images of the installation space can be viewed on Dropbox.


  • ACAF will provide artists access to the site between 7 am and 11 pm. The site has running water, electricity, and restrooms.

  • ACAF will provide each artist with a $1,000 stipend and a materials budget of up to $200.

  • ACAF will assist artists, as needed, during the installation period.

project timeline:

  • Artist Kick-off Meeting: October 20, 2023

  • Installation Timeline: October 23—November 5, 2023

    • All materials, tools, & non-installation items MUST be removed by November 6, 2023, to allow time to prepare the space for the public.

  • Opening Date: November 10, 2023

  • Closing Date: December 10, 2023

  • Installation Removal Dates: December 11—13, 2023


  • Vintage photos, the house in the front window, and signage with the “James Candy Company” name as well as the stack of old signage/historical photos on the left warehouse wall can’t be painted on or altered; these items are on loan and must be returned as-is to the owner following the installation.

  • No drugs or drinking on site.

  • Each artist is permitted one assistant who must be pre-registered with ACAF. No additional guests will be permitted on-site; if additional assistance is needed ACAF will determine on a case-by-case basis.

  • Each artist is required to schedule their site visits in advance during open installation hours of 7 am—11 pm; there will be no 24/7 access.


Applications are open to anyone who abides by the program guidelines and is available during the program dates.


A judging committee will review submissions. Artists will be selected no later than October 18, 2023.


Applications will be reviewed on (including but not limited to) the following criteria:

  • Capacity for the applicant to successfully complete the project

  • Potential for the applicant’s project to enrich the Atlantic City community

  • Completeness of application


Selected applicants will be required to sign and comply with the terms of the ACAF ARTeriors Artist Agreement.


  • The applicant must be able to keep the content of their work “family-friendly,” with no nudity or overt sexual themes, hate speech, or glorification of violence. The applicant will be asked to refrain from creating anything that defames or invades the rights of any person, living or dead; or anything that could be construed as harmful to a third party.

  • Selected applicants must have their final proposal approved by ACAF.

  • The applicant may not reproduce any copyrighted material.


Kate O’Malley, Executive Director -